Financial Statements

Group and Association Statement of Comprehensive Income Group and Association Statement of Financial Position

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Reserves

Association Statement of Changes in Reserves

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Group and Association Statement of Comprehensive Income

The accompanying notes 1-2, 3-18, and 19-34 form part of these financial statements. The financial statements were approved by the Board on 19 July 2022.

Sally Veitch Chair

Gavin Cansfield Chief Executive

Jayne Kaye Group Secretary

Group and Association Statement of Financial Position

The accompanying notes 1-2, 3-18, and 19-34 form part of these financial statements. The financial statements were approved by the Board on 19 July 2022.

Sally Veitch Chair

Gavin Cansfield Chief Executive

Jayne Kaye Group Secretary

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Reserves

The accompanying notes 1-2, 3-18, and 19-34 form part of these financial statements.

Association Statement of Changes in Reserves

The accompanying notes 1-2, 3-18, and 19-34 form part of these financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

The accompanying notes 1-2, 3-18, and 19-34 form part of these financial statements.

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